152 research outputs found

    BRICS and Global South: Towards Multilateral Educational Collaboration

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    Received 23 October 2018. Accepted 3 December 2018. Published online 15 December 2018.The article is devoted to the discussion of the educational policies of the BRICS countries in the context of rising Global South. The author argues that BRICS grouping is better understood not as a union of the countries based upon common identity or a set of the values, but as a group, which is held together by certain imaginaries. These imaginaries are a vision of alternative world order on the one hand and of the emerging Global South on the other hand. Education, then, pays a pivotal role in BRICS collaboration, because it helps to develop and to spread these imaginaries. The article analyses multilateral educational collaboration in BRICS in comparison with excellence programmes devoted to establishment of elite worldclass universities and oriented at indicators of the main international academic rankings. The author argues that such projects as BRICS Network University are much more relevant to the tasks of South-South collaboration than the excellence programmes such as Russian 5/100 one. In conclusion, the author attracts readers’ attention to the multiple modernities theories as possible rationale for BRICS cooperation or South-South collaboration in general.The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) grant number 18-18-00236

    Nationalism and Colonialism: Oceans, Civilizations, Races

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    Received 22 August 2020. Accepted 29 September 2020. Published online 9 October 2020.The article is devoted to the analysis of the complex interrelations between the imaginaries of nation and colony, and, by the same token, between nationalism and colonialism. The author argues that modern nationalism has always contained colonialism as its integral part and parcel. Colonies are interpreted as “mirrors” for the nationbuilding; while oceans, civilizations and races are the factors which keep distance between what is considered to be national and what is to be interpreted as colonial. In their turn, movement of the population, education and modernization were important tools for bridging the gaps between nations and their colonies. Russian national, imperial and colonial experience in this context is rather anomalous, because, according to the author, it constantly blurs the existing boundaries and mix up differences. One of the interesting results of this historical experience is current insensitivity of Russian society to such pressing issues of the today’s European and American politics as the war against symbolic representations of the racist nationalism.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under the grant No. 18-18- 00216

    Graphite and graphene as perfect spin filters

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    Based upon the observations (i) that their in-plane lattice constants match almost perfectly and (ii) that their electronic structures overlap in reciprocal space for one spin direction only, we predict perfect spin filtering for interfaces between graphite and (111) fcc or (0001) hcp Ni or Co. The spin filtering is quite insensitive to roughness and disorder. The formation of a chemical bond between graphite and the open dd-shell transition metals that might complicate or even prevent spin injection into a single graphene sheet can be simply prevented by dusting Ni or Co with one or a few monolayers of Cu while still preserving the ideal spin injection property

    Gadolinium-based hybrid ultra-low-background material for protecting the darkside20k dark matter detector from background neutrons

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    A laboratory technique was developed for obtaining an ultra-low-background hybrid material based on organic glass - polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). 157Gd nuclei are used as an efficient absorber of thermal neutrons in the hybrid material. A uniform distribution of gadolinium in the PMMAmatrix is achieved by introducing he gadolinium in the form of a coordination compound -gadolinium acetylacetonate- into the hybrid materia


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    he paper gives a brief description of the method for producing alumina (Al2O3) by the Bayer method.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant # 19-53-55002)


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    Introduction. Currently, the only potentially curative treatment for gastric cancer is radical gastrectomy. Even after curative resection, death from gastric cancer is primarily due to recurrence. The purpose of the study was to analyze feasibilities of surgical treatment for recurrent gastric cancer. Methods. From 2000 to 2013, the experience in surgical treatment of 35 patients with recurrent gastric cancer was analyzed. Eight patients underwent surgery for primary gastric cancer in the Thoracic and Abdominal Department of Moscow P.A. Hertsen Cancer Research Institute and 27 patients were operated on in other hospitals including cancer centers. Recurrence from gastric cancer was observed in 6 patients after proximal subtotal gastric resection (PSGR), in 17 patients after distal subtotal gastric resection (DSGR) and in 12 patients after gastrectomy (GE). The median time to recurrence was 22.9 ± 3.4 months. Isolated locoregional recurrence of gastric cancer was detected in 29 patients. Cancer dissemination was diagnosed in 6 patients. Results. Anastomotic recurrence was detected in 22 patients, recurrence within the remnant stomach, in 3 patients, locoregional extra-gastric recurrence in 7 patients and solitary metachronous distant metastases were diagnosed in 3 patients. A total of 33 operations were performed: extirpation of the operated stomach in 12 patients, re-resection of the stomach after DSGR in 2 patients, resection of the esophageal-intestinal anastomosis (after GE) in 8 patients, removal of extra-gastric recurrence in 8 patients and removal of solitary metastases in 2 patients. The complication rate was 45.5 % (15 patients). Grade I complications according to Clavien-Dindo classification were diagnosed in 3 patients, grade II complications in 5 patients, grade IIIA in 2 patients , grade IIIB in 2 patients, grade IV in 2 patients and grade V complications (death from postoperative complications) in 1 patient. The failure of anastomosis sutures was observed in 4 patients, 1 of them died of this complication. Postoperative death rate was 3 %. Long-term treatment outcomes were observed in 32 patients. In patients who underwent surgery, the 1-, 3and 5-year survival rates were 44, 25 and 2.8 %, respectively (р = 0.08). Conclusion. Surgical intervention has been limited to locoregional recurrent gastric cancer. Results of surgical treatment for locoregional extra-gastric recurrence were no worse than those in the treatment for recurrence in the anastomosis or within the remnant stomach.Лечение больных раком желудка (РЖ) по-прежнему остается актуальной проблемой современной онкологии. Рецидив заболевания является одной из основных причин смертности при этой патологии. Цель исследования – изучить возможности хирургического лечения рецидивов РЖ. Методы. Проанализирован опыт хирургического лечения 35 больных с рецидивами РЖ в период 2000–2013 гг. (торако-абдоминальное отделение МНИОИ им. П.А. Герцена). По поводу первичного рака 8 больных были оперированы в торако-абдоминальном отделении МНИОИ им. П.А. Герцена, 27 больных – в других лечебных, в том числе онкологических, учреждениях страны. У 6 больных рецидивы РЖ развились после ПСРЖ, у 17 – после ДСРЖ, у 12 пациентов – после ГЭ. Средний безрецидивный период в группе составил 22,9 ± 3,4 мес. Изолированные локо-регионарные рецидивы были у 29 больных; у 6 пациентов при оперативном вмешательстве диагностирована диссеминация и нерезектабельность процесса. Результаты. Локо-регионарные рецидивы в анастомозе выявлены у 22 больных; в резецированном желудке – у 3; локо-регионарный экстраорганный рецидив диагностирован у 7 больных; солитарные метахронные отдаленные метастазы – у 3 пациентов. Всего выполнено 33 операции: ЭОЖ – у 12 больных; ререзекция желудка после ДСРЖ – у 2; резекция пищеводно-кишечного анастомоза (после ГЭ) – у 8; удаление экстраорганного рецидива – у 8 больных; трем пациентам выполнено удаление солитарных метастазов. Частота осложнений составила 45,5 % (15 больных). Осложнения I класса по Clavien-Dindo диагностированы у 3 больных, II – у 5 больных, IIIA – у 2, IIIB – у 2; IV – у 2 больных; V класса (смерть от послеоперационных осложнений) – у 1 больной. Несостоятельность швов анастомоза отмечена у 4 больных (у двух из них – поздняя), у одного – привела к летальному исходу. Послеоперационная летальность – 3 %. Отдаленные результаты лечения прослежены у 32 больных. Одногодичная выживаемость в группе оперированных больных составила 44 %, трехлетняя – 25 %; выживаемость 5 лет и более отмечена у 1 больной (2,8 %), р=0,08. Выводы. Хирургический метод имеет ограниченное применение при лечении рецидивов РЖ, он оправдан при изолированном локо-регионарном рецидиве и улучшает результаты лечения больных РЖ. Результаты хирургического лечения при локо-регионарном экстраорганном рецидиве не хуже таковых при лечении рецидивов в анастомозе или желудке

    Глубокая очистка теллура для производства материалов электроники и фотоники

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    The regularities of impurity distribution between the distillate and the still as well as the spatial  distribution of impurities  along  the distillate length have been studied. We conclude that some impurities such as s−metals, Zn, Ni, V and rare metals distribute uniformly along the distillate length (20 cm). Contrarily, Se tends to concentrate in the distant (from the still) region  of distillate with more  than one order  of magnitude higher concentration compared to the nearest region.Для проведения процесса получе ния высокочистого теллура методом вакуумной  дистилляции предложена конструкция реактора из высокочистых кварцевого стекла и графита. В ходе процесса расплав теллура испаряется, пар переносится из горячей части системы в более холодную и конденсируется в виде твердой фазы (дистиллята) без образования жидкости. Изучены закономерности перераспределения примесей между дистиллятом и кубовым остатком, а также пространственное распределение примесей в дистилляте при проведении очистки металлического теллура. Установлено, что часть примесей, например щелочные металлы, Zn, Ni, V, редкоземельные металлы распределены равномерно по длине  дистиллята (20  см). В то же время концентрация Se в дальней (от перегонного куба) части дистиллята превышает концентрацию в ближней части на порядок